RS 2

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Understanding RS 2

RS-2 is a rapid-setting, anionic water-based emulsified asphalt supplied in bulk.

Key Properties:

  • Boiling Point: 212°F
  • Specific Gravity: 1.01 (H₂O=1)
  • Percent Volatile: 0%
  • Solubility in Water: Soluble
  • Appearance: Brown liquid with a faint petroleum odor
  • Flammability: Non-flammable

Recommended Use:
RS-2 is designed as a bituminous binder for chip seals. It is crucial to apply it using well-calibrated distributors to ensure proper application.

Application Guidelines

  • Distributor Setup: Ensure distributor nozzles and spray bars are appropriately sized and calibrated for the desired shot rate.
  • Shot Rate Determination: Establish the shot rate through a laboratory chip seal design tailored to the project’s aggregate and existing pavement conditions.
  • Temperature Requirements:
    • Ensure air and pavement temperatures are sufficiently high for the emulsion to cure effectively.
    • Ideal conditions for application are when air temperatures are above 50°F and rising.

Usage Tips

  • Conduct thorough testing and calibration to achieve optimal performance.
  • Monitor weather conditions to guarantee suitable application temperatures for effective curing.

Properties of Cationic Bitumen Emulsion RS 2 as per IS:8887-2004 with BTC Report


Test Parameters Test Results IS Specification Test Method
Viscosity by Say bolt viscometer 150 SEC 100-300 (at 50 °C) IS 3117
Residue on 600μ IS Sieve 0.03% 0.05% (Max) IS:8887
Storage Stability 0.98 2% IS:8887
Particle Charge Positive Positive Positive
Coagulation of Emulsion at low temp. Nil Nil
Miscibility with water No Coagulation No Coagulation IS:8887
Tests on Residue
a) Residue by evaporation 69% 67% (Min) IS:8887
b) Penetration (25 °C/100 gm/5 sec) 105 dmm 80-150 dmm IS:1203
c) Ductility (27 °C/cm) 89 50 cm (Min) IS:1208
d) Solubility in Trichloroethylene 99.12 98% (Min) IS:1216